Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Emotionally and Physically Preparing for UCLA

Well looks like everything is set for UCLA. We will be admitted there on July 8th for a Video EEG study for min. 24hrs up to 4 days. Nick & my folks are going to be staying at the Triverton House kind of like a Ronald McDonald house I think. We are still waiting for all the paper work from the hospital to arrive, need to get a hold of the social worker @ UCLA to make sure all pre approval is done and ready. I'm getting a bit more nervous as I've done research about what a Video EEG will be like, look like & what to expect. Originally I had understood that Jordan can move around the room freely, however come to find out she will need to stay with in view of stationary camera. I have a feeling that means near or on the bed for up to 4 days. We have gathered books, coloring books, paints, stickers, DVD's and CD's. We are blessed to have received a care package from Sprout TV with 2 DVD's, a Wiggles CD, coloring book, stickers & crayon. SUPER blessed. We also received an email from Big Idea's AKA Veggie Tales and they are sending Jordan 3 DVD's, a plush Bob & Larry, and a Veggie Tale coloring book. We got an email from Chuggington saying they too are sending a care package. Jordan would love to have a few Trainies with her, but if not at the hospital then we might buy her a few when we get home. Next I have to work on gathering supplies for crafts while we are there. I'm not the most crafty person but Jordan loves ALL kinds of art work stuff so I'm going to try. ANY ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated, many people have already sent me a few ideas & thank you for those.

Recently I read an article going over how to prepare Jordan for this. With her having so much Dr & hospital contact so far I think the day before might be best. But I'm concerned how she will react to ALL of this.

A few things we have noticed and hope for explanations to

1) She is licking, bitting, and chewing EVERYTHING.
2) What kind of Seizures are these if Dr. Lerner things she was misdiagnosed.
3) She often has hiccups is that anything to be of concern as " Hiccups are also a kind of myoclonic jerk specifically affecting the diaphragm." from Wikipedia
4) She has trouble sleeping & wakes up often during the night. Fights going to sleep by screaming, crying & saying she is scared. Which makes me think of SUDEP .
5) She will often go from being fine and playing to in a corner crying saying she is scared. From there it can often take up to an 1hr to calm her down. Once the "episode" is over she is fine like nothing ever happened.
6) She zones out sometimes during an "episode" or upon waking & often while watching TV. Other times she is talking and interactive with whatever show she is watching.

As the journey continues with prayers for more answers, improved health, reduced seizures, reduced medication and less questions.

Blessing & we can't thank you all enough for ALL your prayers & support.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dr. Appointment today for Jordan

Please pray for us today! Jordy has preschool 8 to 10, then a Dr appointment (she has been chewing, licking and biting stuff plus having really bad screaming episodes more then just tantrums. They come and go quickly and at times she just stares off), then back up for PT. We are going to see her Ped but also called into UCLA. Her video EEG isn't until July 8th.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

May & June Photos (1st day of School and more)

I had to wake her up on her 1st day of sleepy head, just like her mommy

Rise and shine! It's your first day of school

Just waking up for 1st day of school

Jordan's first day of school

Kai the birthday girl

Jordan enjoying the Land Shark for Kai's 3rd Birthday party

She just LOVES the beach.

She is ready to go on an adventure exploring the great outdoors.

Jordan practicing for her 1st day of school....NOT her 1st day just pretending :D

Jordan and I walked with Stephanie & Lily for the Arthritis Walk.
Jordan's eye rash from allergies

Monday, June 21, 2010

Home sick

Well Thursday night Jordan started running a fever of 101. With so many meds recalled there wasn't much we could give her. By early Friday morning still running fever of 101. She had no other symptoms going on. Nick went to CVS first thing in the morning to see what he could find to reduce her fever. We called her in sick to school on Friday. She started with a cold by Saturday, runny nose, itchy eyes, cough and fever off n on.

This morning Jordan is feeling better but not yet ready to go back to school. We've called in sick yet again to school. Praying she is ready tomorrow. Hope this is building that immune system so we don't have this too often. She doesn't seem to have a runny nose, eyes look better, and she doesn't sound too congested. Thanks for the prayers. During nap time today I hope to update the blog regarding her UCLA appointment & pictures from May & June.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Long time no update!

As I type this Jordan is watching her favorite show, Chuggington. She started preschool this week and is loving it but is home sick today. She was tired all day yesterday & running a fever of 101 last night & yet again this morning. With all the medication recalls there isn't much for me to give her :(

Tomorrow Jordan is schedule to ride Rio (her horse) @ The Rider's Roundup for her horse Therapy. Praying she is feeling better n able to ride. They are taking a break for the next two weeks so if she doesn't ride tomorrow it will be three weeks of no Rio.

We got the date for her EEG, video study @ UCLA. We check in on the 8th of July for up to 4 days. Tethered to an EEG machine. Stuck in a room. Collecting books, toys & art projects to keep her busy & me sane. We got approved for the Tiverton House for Nick to stay at while we are there. Only one of us can (has) to stay with her the whole time.

We had an eval this morning for behavior not really sure what to call it. But they can help us with potty training, temper issues and more. We have an eventful summer ahead and will try to update as often as possible