Monday, October 11, 2010

It's been a while

So, I know it has been a while since our last blog update. Jordan is still seizure free and medication free. She is still continuing with Pt & Ot and hour twice a week and horse therapy 30 mins once a week. We have started meeting with a behavior therapist to help us with potty training. Jordan just had a check up with her Pediatrician and she is at 50% of weight & 75% in height. She is 39.5 inches tall. Won't be long before she is taller then mommy. She doesn't always seem to like school as much as she did the first week. She is in a smaller class room with younger kids & a smaller play ground. We actually have a meeting with the teachers this wednesday to talk about moving her into the 3yr old class with 3 and 4 yr olds. She is currently in a class with younger then 18month olds & two other 3yr olds but she is still the oldest by at least 4 months or more. She really is learning from watching others. Last weekend she watch a little girl (Jaiden) ride a big wheel/ tricycle and with in a few days Jordan was off and riding her own bike. Jordan is now running but not yet jumping (she's tried a few times and gotten off the ground a bit but not all the time). I am hoping to get a copy of her CCS report soon and I will post the growth in milestones. But for now she will continue to get PT & OT via CCS for the next 6 months when she will be re-evaluated again. Jordan also is taking swimming lessons twice a week for 30 mins at the YMCA. Well it is Monday & no school for Jordan today I think we are going to head up to Avila Farms to the pumpkin patch for the morning.
I will try to load some pictures or videos soon.

Again thank you all for your support encouragement & even advise (which I could use all and any advise with the school situation & IEP stuff). Most of all thanks for the prayers!

Blessings~ The Harvey's (Kelly)